We LOVE our instructors, they’re what make us who we are. Our classes are taught by the best teachers in London. They’ve become ‘the best’ through a mixture of skill, experience and our training days. We’re incredibly proud to offer some of the best teacher payment rates in the capital, as well as on-going support, training, and personal development.

We’re always on the lookout for vibrant, talented, dedicated instructors. If you think you’ve got what it takes to get up on that podium, then please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with details of our next round of auditions.

Please note, we only hire fully certified instructors. If you’re interested in becoming certified, we strongly recommend checking out the MPowered Indoor Cycling Academy. Get yourself certified, then head back here.

Look, we’re not saying that being trained and certified by the owner gives you a massive advantage, but it definitely gives you a massive advantage. On a serious note, there’s a lot of crossover between what’s taught in the academy and what’s taught in our teacher training sessions so you’ll definitely be halfway to being a Cadence teacher right out of your certification.


I’d love to audition…
