Our Wellness Commitment

Our instructors and staff will go above and beyond to ensure that every class is coached with safety at the forefront, however in relation to health complications, please be aware that your health is ultimately your responsibility.  

Our classes use loud music and flashing lights. If you are subject to any form of seizures, epilepsy or visual photosensitivity, are using a pacemaker, suffering cardiac arrythmia or other heart disorders, currently taking stimulants or psychotropic medications, please see a Licensed Medical Practitioner for approval to use the facilities before attending classes with us.

If at any point you feel your health is at risk we ask that you let the instructor know and we will stop the class and escort you out. If you are training whilst injured or rehab-ing please let the instructor know at the start of the class so they can offer alternatives

If you are aware of any medical condition that may negatively impact your training whilst at Cadence, please get medical advice from the relevant medical body before exercising.

Please do not carry out any activities that you have been warned may harm yourself.

Please let us know immediately if you feel faint, dizzy or sick.

If you have a disability, please follow any advice or instruction that allows you to exercise safely.

If you are a diabetic or may show symptoms, please get advice from a registered medical practitioner before attending any classes.

This statement is for guidance only and does not constitute a legally binding agreement between you and us. You should always exercise within your own limits and you are ultimately responsible for your own health.